University News


The University has partnered with Chalmers University of Technology based in Sweden. The Collaboration seeks to enhance North-South collaborations in critical thematic areas of interest with a focus on food security, transport, water, energy and software engineering. The thematic areas have been drawn from broad issues that focus on National, regional and global interests with a connection to Sustainable Development Goals and the National Agenda of Kenya.

The President Chalmers University of Technology, Prof. Stephan Bengtsson, said that the University was pleased to engage and form strong ties with JOOUST so as to develop new knowledge and solve complex issues that face humanity. “JOOUST is a key partner in the region, there is a need to collaborate and forge ties that will enable us chart clear ways of engagement, establish staff and student exchange, collaborate between researchers, write joint proposals and mobilize resources.” Said Prof. Stefan Bengtsson.

Prof. Stephen Agong’, the Vice-Chancellor encourage researchers to come up with fundable proposals that will be able to attract funding and bring new knowledge that will be beneficial to both universities. “There is a need to collaborate in a strategic manner so as to learn from new knowledge. “Said Prof. Agong’.

The collaboration workshop was held in Kisumu from the 1st to 5th April 2019 and sought to bring researchers from both universities to exchange ideas on areas of engagement. The workshop will seek to identify potential funding opportunities, strategies, facilitation and implementation of the entire process.