University News


Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology recently hosted the Africa Center for Aquatic Research and Education (ACARE). The aim of the visit was to acclimatize with the Institution’s facilities as well as inspect the research projects bordering on fishery and aquaculture.

ACARE proactively seeks to build partnerships that leverage the combined skills, assets, technologies and resources of public, private and nonprofit entities to deliver sustainable instructions and research.

During the visit, that team was able to explore the research projects within the University, including the hatchery units and visit the research laboratories touching base on state of the art technologies that are being incorporated into the research activities. The ACARE team had a chance to explore the cricket rearing farm which is currently under the University’s INSEFOODS project. The team gained insight on the breeding process and on how the crickets are adding value to the community.

ACARE comprises of a board of directors from all over the world such as Netherlands, Canada Uganda, Malawi, Michigan, as well as Tanzania. The board works together to ensure that the institutions in partnership with ACARE achieve academic growth, engage in student exchange programs, research and exchange programs, financial and research equipment, as well as possible employment options, where JOOUST can recruit the students from ACARE as employees interns researchers, technicians and more. The program is two-fold and will allow the University to obtain exceptionally talented and highly qualified personnel who are training to become the next experts in the global freshwater field.

The team will be working closely with the University’s Pi Institute's whose core mandate is to enhance research programs in water resources, fishery and aquaculture, develop programs around the same discipline. The Institute also formulates fish feeds based on alternative source of protein as well as empower the research community through development of a hatchery as part of the blue economy, which is in tandem with the Kenyan Big Four agenda.